Chadrick Blog

convert cairo surface to cv2 imgmat

def convert\_to\_cvmat(surface, surface\_width, surface\_height):
    works with FORMAT\_RGB24
    it should work with FORMAT\_ARGB32 too but the transparency will be ignored.
    # print("surface format = {}".format(surface.get\_format()))
    # assert surface.get\_format() == cairo.FORMAT\_RGB24

    buf = surface.get\_data()
    # print("format={}, given\_surface\_width:{}, actual\_surface\_width:{}, buf size: {}".format( surface.get\_format(), surface\_width, surface.get\_width(), len(buf)))

    # if surface.get\_width() != surface\_width:
    #     surface.write\_to\_png("error.png")

    np\_converted = np.ndarray(shape=(surface\_width, surface\_height),

    # for r bitwise AND with 0x00ff0000
    r\_filter = int("00ff0000", 16)
    g\_filter = int("0000ff00", 16)
    b\_filter = int("000000ff", 16)

    np\_r\_filtered = np.bitwise\_and(np\_converted, r\_filter)
    np\_r\_shifted = np.right\_shift(np\_r\_filtered, 16)
    np\_r = np.expand\_dims(np\_r\_shifted, axis=-1)

    np\_g\_filtered = np.bitwise\_and(np\_converted, g\_filter)
    np\_g = np.expand\_dims(np.right\_shift(np\_g\_filtered, 8), axis=-1)

    np\_b = np.expand\_dims(np.bitwise\_and(np\_converted, b\_filter), axis=-1)

    # cv2 uses BGR format so concatenated in this order

    combined\_32 = np.concatenate(\[np\_b, np\_g, np\_r\], axis=2)

    combined = combined\_32.astype(np.uint8)

    return combined