Chadrick Blog

Accessing NVIDIA gpu info from python

Here is an example code and its output. I think it is easy to expand from here.

import pynvml as nvml


print(f"driver version: {nvml.nvmlSystemGetDriverVersion().decode()}")

print(f"device count: {nvml.nvmlDeviceGetCount()}")

handle = nvml.nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(0)
info = nvml.nvmlDeviceGetMemoryInfo(handle)

total\_mem =
total\_mem = total\_mem / (1024\*1024)
print(f"total\_mem(MB): {total\_mem}")

free\_mem =
free\_mem = free\_mem / (1024\*1024)
print(f"free\_mem(MB): {free\_mem}")

free\_percentage = free\_mem / total\_mem \* 100

print(f"free %: {free\_percentage}")

And the output:

driver version: 410.104
device count: 1
total\_mem(MB): 4046.0625
free\_mem(MB): 3634.1875
free %: 89.82035003166658

This was coded with python 3.6.6 and the packge used was the this one: