Chadrick Blog



saving and loading only architecture of tf.keras model

saving and loading only architecture of tf.keras model

easy fix for bash script file unexpected end of file error

easy fix for bash script file unexpected end of file error

adding same handler to all loggers at once in main script

adding same handler to all loggers at once in main script

Accessing NVIDIA gpu info from python

Accessing NVIDIA gpu info from python

encountering "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_posixsubprocess'" error when running nvsysinfo

encountering "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_posixsubprocess'" error when running nvsysinfo

git hard reset on subdirectory of git repo

git hard reset on subdirectory of git repo

running jupyter notebook allowing external access and no authentication

running jupyter notebook allowing external access and no authentication

making updated permalink work in wordpress with nginx

making updated permalink work in wordpress with nginx

converting pandas column to datetime format

converting pandas column to datetime format